Saturday, July 31, 2010

Unfair Life...

Terhadap kehidupan siapa Allah adil?
Yang diberkati secara penuh(Yabes, 1 Tawarikh 4:10~) Yang harus melewati kekejaman dunia untuk menyentuh seorang Kafir? (Anak Perempuan pembantu Naaman, 2 Raja" 5:1-15)) ataukah yang dirajam sampai mati (Stefanus,KIS 6&7) ???

Pertanyaan itu salah... :))

Hidup tidak dirancang untuk "Adil" untuk ukuran manusia.
Hidup dirancang supaya menjadi serangkaian peristiwa untuk mengungkapkan kemuliaan Bapa yang membawa kita dan orang-orang lain kepada kemuliaan itu. Itulah Hakekat kehidupan!

1 Kor 10:31
"Jika engkau makan dan minum atau jika engkau melakukan sesuatu yang lain, Lakukanlah semuanya itu untuk kemuliaan Allah."
*So, 3-3nya memuliakan Allah... tidak peduli cara/proses/apa yang anda/saya alami,mo adil kek, mo nggak ke, mengapa dll. lakukanlah yang terbaik, dan ambil positifnya... sehinga semua itu bisa menunjukkan kemuliaan Allah di dalam kamu.

Roma 11:36
"Sebab segala sesuatu adalah dari Dia, dan oleh Dia, dan kepada Dia."
*Jadi ga usah dipikirkan kehidupan itu adil apa nggaknya.... (soalnya ga da abis"nya... xP)
Namun pikirkan apakah kehidupanmu sudah memuliakan Tuhan apa blon :)) Lagian apa yang dari Bapa selalu baik kok buat kamu....

So berpikirlah seperti yang dibawah ini....,
Habakuk 3:17-18
"Sekalipun pohon ara tidak berbunga, pohon anggur tidak berbuah, Hasil pohon zaitu mengecewakan, sekalipun ladang" tidak menghasilkan bahan makanan, kambing domba terhalau dari kandang, namun aku akan bersorak-sorak di dalam Tuhan, beria-ria di dalam Allah yang menyelamatkan aku."

dari buku : "Teologia Kucing dan Anjing"
Mengintrospeksi Hubungan Kita dengan Allah...
*dengan perubahan secukupnya hehhehehe :D

Hari Ini

Blom ngantuk juga Gan... akakakak....
mo online game jg susah... laptop ga bisa diajak kompromi...
bingung mo ngapain... Laper tp males masak... Hmmm..
Bikin entri baru aja dah... hahahahha

Tadi pagi seperti biasa bangunnya siang hahahha... (Libur... kesempatan gemukin badan)
setelah on beberapa saat berangkat lah ke gereja buat latian" sikit...
uda lama ga megang keyboard, jd agak kaku...hahahha
Setelah pamitan ma Nyokab,kira" jam 2 (ga dijawab, so ngeloyor aj, kn uda ijin xP)Rumah ga g kunci rapet, soalnya ada emak g ini...
trus karokean sekalian latian buat pujian istimewa hari Minggu.
Lagunya Kemenanganku by Mike Idol (Teksnya bisa diliat di thread sbloonnnya).
Berat gan, palagi pas terakhir,, Kecekek akakakakka
gpp lah,.. pasti bisa... With You, I CAN!

Sore menjelang Malam, pada kelaperan ni ceritanya, mana Ibu Ita ngidam lagi,... untung ngidam tahu goreng.. yauda saya cari sekalian gw cari makan jg... (so g ga disalahin Kalo ngences anaknya) hahah...
Dapet akhirnya pulang...

Nah ada 1 yang bikin g KAGET, yaitu Ibu Ita bilang klo nyokab gw beserta ibu" yang lain, dari jam 11...
"Lah,...!!!!" Mati gw, RUMAH GA GW KUNCI!!! soalnya g kira nyokab ada di rumah... salah g kenapa ga nunggu emak g nyaut...(tapi biasa jg ga disautin) bzzzz ah AYA" WAE.... males bgt balik ke rumh lagi... Lanjut dagh Gan!!!

Ini udah hampir jam 7, yang mo latian blon pada nongol,... mana ga jelas smua keberadaannya... Si tesa ga bisa dihubungin, bu Made masih di Jalan, Pak&Bu Budiman jg ga bisa (Ngurusin hadiah dr TELKOMSEL mereka, moga" aja ga kena tepuuu)
Tp sukur nongol satu persatu....
Yang paling cantik datang pertama (<<Iyalah cantik wong dy bw mie goreng buat gw akakkakakak.... kenyang dagh... (Kurang sebnernya xP)
Bu aan yang ga bisa dtg eh akhirnya datang juga.... ya udah latian deh...

Yang latihan : Bu aan, Bp. Toni, Ibu Natalie (WOKWOKWOK "kaka"nya disimpen dulu), Sdi Joana, dengan supporter sbb: "Ibu Ita, Bp. Alman, Temen Joanna... ahhaha
G sebenernya supporter juga....


eh ditembak bu Aan, ikutan jadi singer dagh... hahahahahah

Dengan suse payah akhirnya selese tu Latian....
giliran gw sinkron sama kak natalie, buat Pujian Istimewa... Mana suara abis, ketelen gorengan ma Mie goreng,.. tapi hantem aja blegh akakkakaka
karena ketinggian diturunin dari Bes ke G... Transpose 3...

Pas nyampe rumah dgn perasaan was" (krn rumah lupa dkonci)... Hufth untung ga kenapa".. sukur jg ga ad org rumah yang bahas itu rumah hahahahah....

nb: ahahha.. ga penting bner ne thread...tapi suka" gw lagh,.. blog" gw... siapa tw setelah ini gw bisal jual blog gw seharga $2 juta dolar akakkaka
*Ngarep mode ON!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


by : Mike Mohede

Saat ku lemah hampir tak berdaya
Saat ku hancur berkeping keping
Aku diam disisiMu
Aku mencari,.. wajahMu

Saat semua orang mencaciku
Saat mereka mulai menjauh dariku
Aku terjatuh dan tersungkur
Aku tak mampu,.. jauh dariMu

Kau kekuatanku semangat hidupku
Tak ada yang bisa bangkitkanku lagi
Hanyalah diriMu sahabat sejati.

Kau kemenanganku ketika ku kalah
Dan tak pernah Kau ingkari janjiMu
Selalu sempurna dan selesai,..
di hidupku

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I'm so sick and offended when you say it like that...
about LOVE???
about being REJECTED???
r U sure???
ARE YOU a psychic so you can make such CONCLUSION???

Well, I was, but it's not because of it...
There's a lot of misunderstood and so many mistakes that all of you can make it so simple....
but, It never be that simple...

I know that you have a good purpose to make things right...
but, ever U guys evaluate the results???
whether it'll going better or worse...
Did U ever think???

And once again....
what do you know about good intentions?
I DO THIS FIRST be4 It Raising deeply....!!!
Just ask....!

Also thanks for all the shit that you have planted in my Mom's head....
Very thank You....
I started to think where i should Lay my head unto....

have you??? have you think why I'm so Mad? Have you think why I am Crying? Have you think why I surrender? HAVE YOU???

About the reply of K*** STAT...
I Saw, I wrote those,... NO, WE BOTH....
But then if I wrote those things... SO WHAT?
I just spell few words... but She? HOW MANY?

Anyway,... It's not Ur problem actually...
do not get too dizzy whit all of this shit,.. or shall I

Let it be,... Take you time,... so I can peacefully walk away...

So why I keep silent lately?
there's one reason, I couldn't tell you...

Nb: ANW, Sorry for the bad words and all the things I did... thanks 4 all... :)
Sorry 4 being emotional, didna mean anything,...
You're Right,... I was wrong...

Let it Be...,,, :((

There's nothin' wrong with u just me...
Let me choose my own way
I'm so tired with all this shit,...
if God permit, I will go and I hope I never looked back,
There's so much pain, and i let it happen, allowed to deteriorate...
I just want to find a new environment, new friends, new services, and hopefully a new love .... I'd like to find some Peace (which i couldn't find it here)
So, Let it be....
Anyway,... thanks....

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it's not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won't. it's whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Estoy a punto de caer octavo

They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot

"Big Yellow Taxi"

They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swingin' hot spot
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot

Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop

They took all the trees, and put em in a tree museum
And they charged the people a dollar and a half to see them
No, no, no
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot

Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop

Hey farmer, farmer, put away your DDT
I don't care about spots on my apples,
Leave me the birds and the bees
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
Hey now, they paved paradise to put up a parking lot
Why not?

Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop

Listen, late last night, I heard the screen door slam
And a big yellow taxi took my girl away
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
Well, don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise to put up a parking lot
Why not?
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
Hey hey hey
Paved paradise and put up a parking lot

Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop

I don't wanna give it
Why you wanna give it
Why you wanna giving it all away
Hey, hey, hey
Now you wanna give it
I should wanna give it
Now you wanna giving it all away

I don't wanna give it
Why you wanna give it
Why you wanna giving it all away
Hey, hey, hey
Now you wanna give it
I should wanna give it
Cos you giving it all away
Hey, hey, givin it all,
givin it all....away

Why do you want me?
why do you want me?
Cos' you're givin it all away,
Hey, paved paradise to put up a parking lot

It heals..^^

I know, I was wrong,. I know it shouldn't going like this. It's not just me. And I believe, It's not just u either.We both have problems. We both have our pain.
And when it's time to explode... Then, we both begin to argue, begin to show our anger, we begin to hate each other... We begin cry a river....
But I believe, It's not Me, nor it's not you, dear (if i can said so)
it Needs time to cure each of our pain. Lots of time..

Many times, I think, I can't face it, i want to full back, I want to run, I just think that Some pains heal, some really do, Some don't. And I'm afraid that I can't forgive you because of this pain... I'm afraid I can't forgive myself because make it happen...
Well, it's damn hurt to see our condition know, the situation around us, Our friends, even God watch us sadly...

But, hey... We still have friends around us,... and we begin to think that's enough...
Yap, that's enough... but it wouldn't be complete just like the past...

And somehow, we both pray,..
we both pray, ask God to soften our 'opponent' heart..., whether our heart are hard as rock... Ask for God's Support, but deny when He try to making Us understand...
after that, we think it's enough...

But it wont ever enough..

Now I realize that it useless to keep this feeling, it useless to keep this haste, to keep this pain... It's Damn Useless..
I miss the old times, when we playing around with our friends, Hanging out, Laugh together,i miss when i can bring u home, hahahah,... And ya, I miss the time when you insult me...
I miss those times...
I wanna run into it...
and catch it... smell it, feel it...

So, know...
I begging to God to encourage me, to give me back my guts, my smile...
preparing me...
When the time's come... I hope u ready to accept me again..
As ur Friend...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Vuvuzela n Jabulani

Lagi ribut dipermasalahkan efek jabulani n Vuvuzela... mang apaan c itu 2 bnda? makanan??? Share plz... T.T


hahhaha... coba" bikin blog gan,..